About Marcell

Inspired by the grandeur of our living world and great moments, Marcell Puzsar is a photographer who was found by photography at a very young age. A happy soul, a traveler to many countries, a hiker, a good friend and partner, a dreamer, a believer and an achiever who loves people and nature and who is accompanied by an amazing partner, surrounded by a fantastic family and group of friends along the way. Driven by a great passion of panoramic and nature photography and catching the unique moments of special occasions ultimately the greatest joy in life one can do!

"You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true. You may have to work for it however !"

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Famous Big 5 Game of Africa

Returning from amazing safaris during my traveling spent in Kenya, Tanzania and in South Africa, people always wanted to know if I had seen the BIG 5.

Well, before we went onto to our first safari in Kruger, Tarryn and myself were also quite curious whether we would see the Big 5 or not.

But what is really the Big 5 Game of the African safaris?

This well used term must be familiar to everyone from Wilbur Smith novels. It was coined by the old time big-game hunters and refers the five most difficult animals to hunt on foot. Since then its still used by tourists and wildlife guests on safari discussions.

So the big five consists of the African elephant, the Cape Buffalo, the lion, the rhinoceros (either white or black) and the leopard.

The big 5 obviously the hardest to hunt and the most dangerous animals especially when injured.

On the 19,0000 sq km area of Kruger there are approximately 11,700 elephants, 27,000 African Buffalos, 1,500 lions, 350 Black Rhinos, about 9,000 White Rhinos and roughly 1,000 Leopards.

So there is quite a high chance to see the Big 5 on a weekly trip to Kruger and some spotted them in 1-2 days (other than private and luxury game reserves.

We were extremely fortunate to see all 5 of these majestic animals in the first 4 days of our visit to the park

An Elephant in the bush as can be seen from the safety (?) of a car.

A Buffalo is about to wallow in the mud in a nearby pond.

A young lion is returning to his hunt.

The tank of Africa just appeared from the bushes.

Leopard`s face as it was taken at a rehabilitation center near Kruger.

1 comment:

  1. hehehe! and what a treat that we saw ALL the BIG 5 in one day! that ws certainly beginers luck! i stil can't get over how close we got to the rhino on the first day as well! (and how close those elephants got to us on that desolate dirt road!!!)
