About Marcell

Inspired by the grandeur of our living world and great moments, Marcell Puzsar is a photographer who was found by photography at a very young age. A happy soul, a traveler to many countries, a hiker, a good friend and partner, a dreamer, a believer and an achiever who loves people and nature and who is accompanied by an amazing partner, surrounded by a fantastic family and group of friends along the way. Driven by a great passion of panoramic and nature photography and catching the unique moments of special occasions ultimately the greatest joy in life one can do!

"You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true. You may have to work for it however !"

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Welcome to my BLOG

Welcome Everyone, dear bloggers and followers !

It took a while until I found my way around and after a lot of testing and trials finally I am launching my blog. Right now I am very busy with all kind of other stuff but as often as I can I will let all of you know about what is going on here and share all of our great photo memories and adventures happened to us recently. And let this be an opening picture of ours with Tarryn taken in Kruger Park.
Our first night entering one of the biggest parks on Mother Earth presented us with a breathtaking sunset. It was truly South African. It was not even easy to get to our camp and we almost missed the gate closing time! What a beauty ! You can imagine.

It is being continued soon and more photos to come. I am sharing all those great memories along with some stories with U soon !

A beautiful sunset near Skukuza rest camp


  1. Hi Marcell
    This is Hanna & Erkki. We have worked for Norwegian a gazillion years ago. It is a pleasure to see you are still a great and passionate photographer.
    Cheers from Estonia!
    Hanna & Erkki

  2. Hi Erkki an Hanna,

    Thank you for checking my old blogsite. Please write me onto marcellpuzsar@mac.com, I would like to know how life is with you. I am so excited to hear about you guys ! Check my works at www.puzsart.com and www.marcellpuzsar.com/blog sites. I live in SF with my fiancee. I would like to get in touch with you via facebook if its possible.
    Thank you again and talk to you soon !
